
Cats Have A Plan!

The world is in trouble. Global warming, financial meltdown, riots, corruption, the implosion of the mass-produced over subscribed dreams of billions to be better than they are. These can all be traced right back to a sinister and dangerous force.


I’m not talking about your Lions, Tigers…I’m talking about sweet little purring Tiddles or head nuzzling Spot. Domestic Cats are a force to be reckoned with. Why? Why, you ask? Because they have a plan. CATS HAVE A PLAN!

I'm not talking about these - these are pussy cats compared to...erm...pussy cats!
For years now, I have been working undercover to expose the truth. Forget Wikileaks – the information I’m going to release on these pages over the next few weeks, will bow your mind. But it needs to be blown. We need to be prepared.

My time is limited - they can trace internet connection which is why I'm constantly on the move. I will post from where I can, when I can. In the meantime, carry on as normal.

Always watching
They’ve been watching us for thousands of years but now I’m watching them.


  1. You must inform others of this blog, it's the duty of us to be aware of The Plan.

  2. I love your imagination!!!

  3. Imagination can be deadly...
